Sandra hält einen Vortrag

Why we share our knowledge and love networks

At anker & alpen, we firmly believe that sharing knowledge makes us all better! Innovation and growth in the hospitality industry thrive on exchange - and that is exactly what we are committed to. Whether through memberships in associations, teaching assignments at universities or workshops and seminars in our own anker & alpen academy - we love to share our expertise and get involved in networks.


anker & alpen and the HSMA

anker & alpen is a proud member of the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association Deutschland e.V. (HSMA) and is actively involved in several expert groups.

  • Stephanie Goldbrunner-Jung and Prof. Dr. Sandra Bayer in the Technology department
  • Sonja Kröll in the Marketing & Communication expert group

Through our involvement in HSMA, we keep our finger on the pulse and share our knowledge in order to advance the hospitality industry in an innovative and sustainable way.

anker & alpen loves HSMA!

Cornell Logo

Steffi's commitment to volunteering

Stephanie Goldbrunner-Jung has been a volunteer on the board of the Cornell Hotel Society German Chapter e.V. since 2017. After completing her PDP courses at the renowned Cornell University in Ithaca, Stephanie decided to give her experience and knowledge back to the community.


anker & alpen goes ÖHV!

Since January 2024, we have been a proud member of the select network of consultants of the Austrian Hotel Association (ÖHV) 

For more than 70 years, the ÖHV has been a tireless voice for over 1,700 first-class hotels in Austria. It paves the way for success, creates optimal framework conditions and drives the industry forward. 

We meet the strict quality criteria for inclusion in the ÖHV consultant network:

Proven industry experienceOur deep understanding and experience in the Austrian hotel industry.

High quality of consulting servicesExcellent advice characterized by the highest quality.

Specialist knowledge and social skillsOur experts score points with their in-depth knowledge and outstanding social skills.

We are delighted about the admission! 

Our cooperation with universities: Training for the future

At anker & alpen, we attach great importance to promoting young talent and working closely with renowned universities. We are proud to be a cooperation partner of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Ravensburg and Campus M University in Munich. As a training company, these partnerships enable us to train future specialists and managers in the hospitality industry.

Prof. Dr. Sandra Bayerour Chief Anchor Officer is also active as a lecturer. She is a professor of media and business management at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and teaches international marketing, general marketing, consumer and capital goods marketing, advertising management, hotel management, information management, brand management and scientific work. She lectures at the European Media and Business Academy (EMBA) in Hamburg, the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Ravensburg.


Modernes Hospitality Marketing Buch

A portion of anker & alpen reading material, please!

Together with Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello, our expert Prof. Dr. Sandra Bayer has published the book "Modern hospitality marketing - basics, strategies and instruments for high value-added tourism" written.

This book is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in innovative and effective marketing strategies in the hospitality industry. It covers the fundamentals, strategies and tools necessary to succeed in a dynamic and high value-added tourism environment.

Whether for professionals, students or the simply curious - this book offers valuable insights and practical tips for modern hospitality marketing.

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